Zachary, my minature schnauzer, will be 14 in July. For the past 6 years, he's been on daily heart medication. Since we moved to the farm, Zach generally was walked 3 km each day until the last couple of winters. Now that the weather is getting warmer, Zach has been enjoying his walks again. With Jazz gone, I take Zach on his own (Cricket & Dusty are way too fast for him).
We start out quickly as Zachary thinks he's a puppy again...straining at his harness to get going! Once on the road, he slows..enjoying the new spring smells, snuffling for the mice, marking his spots! It's more of a meander than a real walk. As he slows down, so do I. I get the opportunity to take in what I might have missed with the other dogs...the first trilliums poking up through the ground, the ruffed grouse making its way slowly through the undergrowth, the scent of rain soaked soil, the prickly back end of the porcupine. Life slows down when I walk Zach..I smile as I watch him enjoying this time out - away from the fenced yard and other dogs. I take this time to forget about all that needs to be done at work and at home. There is no choice when you walk an old dog - his pace is your pace. It's a nice way to end the day...
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