Friday, January 14, 2011


January 2011 – How is this date even possible! I am sure that just a moment ago I was marvelling that the computer world didn’t come crashing down of January 1, 2000. So where did those years must be a time warp.
While I often reflect on the year gone by, for me January is a time to look forward and dream of the new year’s promises.
While the weather outside might be frigid and snowy, my thoughts are firmly planted in my gardens. It’s time to plan again.
When we moved here in 2004, there was no hint of any gardens – 6ft tall burdocks and other weeds I can’t name filled the yards. I couldn’t mow these weeds – I needed to use tree loppers! Slowly, I was able to expose some soil to plant those few lilies and other perennials I had brought with me from Elliot Lake.
Six years later, and the gardens have progressed but are still a major work in progress. There were no trees around the house and now I have lilac bushes, cedar trees and high bush cranberries all well established.
Lilies are among my favourite flowers and the gardens are filled with yellows, reds, oranges and multicoloured blooms. The first of the flower and seed catalogues have arrived and I will spend hours pouring over the pages trying to decide on which new flower will be introduced this year.
In the plans this year – I need to tear down a dilapidated shed, build a windbreak for the duck house, and clear the old barn foundation which will eventually be transformed into a ‘zen’ garden. The vegetable gardens need to be expanded so we can enjoy home grown potatoes and carrots through the winter.
The Final Nesting Place where my Muscovy ducks are buried will be landscaped this year. I’ll be planting dogwoods which grow wild along our road.
While I stand outside in the snow, I close my eyes and see the gardens as I hope they will look when completed. In my mind’s eye, they are extraordinary – a work of reality...they are far from complete...a work in progress – a labour of love.