Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I've

I'm not the world's greatest blogger :D I thought it would be reasonably easy, but IT'S NOT! WHY??? For one thing, I tend to get free time for the computer at night after DH has headed for bed BUT, it seems I type too loudly so it bothers his sleep. And then....what should I write about? So, here's what's been happening since my last post.
We've got a new roof on the additions, the fireplace is almost ready to use (good's getting COLD), and best of all, I'm getting Finland company for Christmas.
Ladybug is growing like a bad weed and I can't wait to catch up with her antics. It's going to be great to spend time with C&K as well. We plan to go skating (hmm, must find my skates), a few trips to the pool (oh no...a bathing suit???) and generally enjoying the festive season.
Zachary, my old miniature schnauzer is defying the odds and has rallied from some serious issues. Since I lost my Jazz in April this year, I'm not ready to face losing another pet..not yet.
I had the pleasure of fostering 2 adolescent border collies for 3 days before they headed to Ontario Border Collie Rescue. They were a joy, but I'd forgotten how energetic teenaged BCs can be!
With all the renovations at home, my gardens suffered from lack of care. Next year, they will be in much better shape since we will have the major building project done.

I'm hoping to get my sheep next spring/summer. I've been waiting until the 'right' time...but I don't think there is a 'right time' so I'm just going to go ahead and find the flock that I want.

Well, that's just a bit of catching up..I think I'll try to set aside a few minutes each day to get to the blog. Let's see if I can start my 2011 new year resolution early :)