Here it is - 2010, not only a new year but the start of a new decade. Whatever happened to Y2K??
Life around here has slowed to the winter pace that comes with cold and snow. We aren't doing much in the way of construction outside - not until the temperatures warm up. We're supposed to have a January thaw but time will tell. The one thing about not working on renovations is the time it allows for changing my mind about howq it should look (much to DH's dismay!) We had initially decided to put a set of doors between the new 'livingroom' and old. The new livingroom will be the home of our masonry heater and I
Snowshoeing has been good. Jazz and Cricket race through the snow in search of the absolute BEST stick to carry - making sure that they run past us, whacking us in the legs as they go by. :)
The ducks are thriving even in the cold weather. Likely this is due to the insulated Duck Palace that DH constructed for me last summer.
This winter has seen a great increase in the number of wolves and brush wolves in the area. Where there once was a good number of deer, the population has really suffered over the last couple of winters. Last year's heavy snowfall didn't help the population and this year, it is the wolves. Such is the cycle of life however. It wasn't so long ago that the wolf population was almost decimated by mange and hunting deer was like shooting fish in a barrel!
The first of the seed catalogues has arrived. Now that can bring a smile to my face for sure. Nothing like sipping a hot chocolate while the snow swirls about and deciding what new flowers will grace my gardens.I'm quite partial to lilies, especially day lilies which seem to tolerate my lack of attention :) I have been known to move flowers in the heat of the summer - a definite no-no in horticultural circles. But my lilies manage to survive and thrive.
The next catalogue to arrive should be Lee Valley's gardening catalogue....that's good for HOURS of viewing. I have to decide on the 'practical' like good pruners or the not so practical - like the weather vane....decisions, decisions!