Thursday, August 27, 2009

Oh my..what have I done???

I've created a blog....and I'm not sure exactly why! :) Will this be a place of ramblings or a diary of life in northern Ontario? Will this be the place that Ladybug will get to know Grambug and a place for friends to drop by?

As a kid, I remember having a diary - one with a small lock & key. I know I wrote in it...but I have no idea what became of it. Perhaps that diary went the way of a boxful of Beatle cards..... "Clean up your room" my mom said.....and clean I did! I don't really think she meant for me to throw out my cherished collections...but I did!

So, where will this blog take me? I know there are stories I'd like to tell - about Dot the Duck, how Dusty BA came to live here and the everyday joys of living in the country. There may be the odd political rant, or the 'what on earth were they thinking' question, or simple thoughts about everyday things.
For the time being, suffice to say....I've created a blog!! Oh my what have I done?? :)